Sunday, November 14, 2010

November at mu.shoe!

What's Happening at mu.shoe This Month

Monday 15th:  Mushoe Monday @ both Edmonds and Kirkland
10% off all boots and buy one pair of socks/tights/leggings and get the 2nd 50% off!

Thursday 18th: First Dibs and Art Walk with Spark Designs @ Edmonds 

In downtown Edmonds stores will be open until 8 pm with lots of special deals and the Rainbow City Band will be playing Christmas music. In addition, during First Dibs, our neighboring merchants are introducing a new holiday tradition: Fourteen stores will be giving out Christmas cookie cutters and their favorite cookie recipes with samples — available to the first 24 customers with a purchase!

Friday 26th: Day After Thanksgiving Sale @ Edmonds and Kirkland
more details tomorrow!

Saturday 27th: Tree Lighting and First Dibs @ Kirkland
more details tomorrow!

--be sure to stay tuned for more details and fun--