Thursday, September 10, 2009

100 Hounds of Kirkland

Tonight on Park Lane we are excited to welcome Cathy Handfelt, creator of "100 Hounds of Kirkland" who will be on hand showing her gorgeous photos of Kirkland's Doggies, including our very own, Duff, who frequently can be found sleeping under the desk at our store in Kirkland.

For $1 you can vote for your favorite dog picture, and all proceeds are going to be donated to the Seattle Humane Society! The winning dogs will be featured in Cathy's 2010 Calendar More information here.

Northwest Cellars will also be here pouring their "Rescue Red" wine [ no charge ] that evening at Simplicity Salon right across the street in downtown Kirkland, and taking orders for the wine. 20% of the proceeds from the sale of the wine will be donated to the Humane Society.

Come support the Seattle Humane Society, pet a couple of pooches, and vote for your favorite doggy *cough* Duffy *cough*- not that we are biased or anything.